Wildkey Social collects the type of call event (i.e. incoming, outgoing, answered, missed), a hashed representation of the number, and the date of the call.
Wildkey Social collects the size (in number of chars), a hashed representation of the number, and the date of the received SMS.
Wildkey Social collects the ambient light in Lux for 10 seconds each 15 minutes (i.e. as long as the device is not in deep sleep).
Wildkey Social collects when the battery is low and when is charged.
Wildkey Social collects when the screen is turned on and off.
Wildkey Social collects when the phone is unlocked.
Wildkey Social collects the Google Playstore category of each open app by the user. If the app is not in the store is marked as unknown.
Wildkey Social relies on the Android Activity Recognition API to automatically detect activities (i.e. in a vehicle, still, walking, running).