Diogo Branco

PhD Student

I completed my BSc in 2016 and my MSc in 2018, both on Informatics Engineering. During the second year of my Masters I worked with data-driven healthcare for capturing and showing with rich visualization Parkinson’s patients fluctuations through the day. During that time I had my first contact with research, I built DataPark, a platform with the focus on rich visualization of data collected in free-living. After that I have been continued working with DataPark improving what I have already done and focusing also on clinical evaluation. In 2019 I started my PhD that focus on Parkinson’s Disease. More precisely, my research goal is to improve the informaton available for both clinicians and patients.


Evaluation of walking activity and gait to identify physical and mental fatigue in neurodegenerative and immune disorders: preliminary insights from the IDEA-FAST feasibility study

Chloe Hinchliffe, Rana Zia Ur Rehman, Clemence Pinaud, Diogo Branco, Dan Jackson, Teemu Ahmaniemi, Tiago Guerreiro, et al

BMC Springer Nature 2024 ‑ Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilition

Co-designing Customizable Clinical Dashboards with Multidisciplinary Teams: Bridging the Gap in Chronic Disease Care

Diogo Branco, Margarida Móteiro, Raquel Bouça, Rita Miranda, Tiago Reis, ,Élia Decoroso, Rita Cardoso, Joana Ramalho, Filipa Rato, Joana Malheiro, Diana Miranda, Verónica Caniça, Filipa Pona-Ferreira, Daniela Guerreiro, Mariana Leitão, Alexandra Saúde Braz, Joaquim Ferreira, Tiago Guerreiro

CHI 2024 ‑ ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May, 2024

Identification of Fatigue and Sleepiness in Immune and Neurodegenerative Disorders from Measures of Real-World Gait Variability

Chloe Hinchliffe, Rana Zia Ur Rehman, Diogo Branco, Dan Jackson, Teemu Ahmaniemi, Tiago Guerreiro, et al

IEEE EMBC 2023 ‑ IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

Democratizing Data-Driven Healthcare

Diogo Branco, Tiago Guerreiro, Kyle Montague, Luís Carvalho, Lorelle Dismore, Richard Walker, Dan Jackson, Raquel Bouça and Joaquim Ferreira

IDDHI 2023 ‑ CHI'23 workshop on Intelligent Data-Driven Health Interfaces

Intake of added sugar, fruits, vegetables, and legumes of Portuguese preschool children: Baseline data from SmartFeeding4Kids randomized controlled trial participants

Sofia Charneca, Ana Isabel Gomes, Diogo Branco, Tiago Guerreiro, Luísa Barros, Joana Sousa

Frontiers in Nutrition 2023 ‑ 
